I was there to personally hand out the bikes in the Philippines (since I was already there for business, no travel expenses for W4L).

After the past 12 months of planning W4L, its founding, launch, and administration, it was a great joy to give out bikes to people and see their smiles and glow with hope. It was all so real. We are grateful to everyone who supported us in reaching this point.

We were able to identify three boys who had graduated from elementary school but did not have the means to go to high school, thanks to the assistance of the Larrazabal family (Philippines), and the local councilman of the Lake Danau Barangay (settlement).

I also presented 12 bikes and a certificate to Bishop Cantillas of the Southern Leyte Province. This is the region where there was a devastating mudslide that left over 1000 people dead. These bikes will be donated to orphans and others in Southern Leyte who are in greatest need.

IDTP (Institute for Development and Transportation Policy), and BEN (Bicycle Empowerment Network), helped me distribute 15 bikes in Ghana and South Africa.
These stories are available in the attachment. These stories will be soon posted at www.wheels4life.org

This is only the first batch, I hope that thousands more will be made. We appreciate your continued support.

Hans Rey